Friday, July 11, 2014

Let's write a book!

Today I thought, "You know what? I'm gonna write a novel, about myself because that's easy." Then I decided I had a blog so I might as well start with that instead. Anyways, I was planning on writing a memoir-ish kind of story/novel thing.  Written and dictated by your's truly, The one and only Julianne Nicole Richards. Edit: apparently there are a couple Julianne Richards but ya know...I'm the coolest so there's that. It was going to be titled The life of your Average Person. Not a very clever title I know, but you could probably put it in Latin and people would buy it. But, I was thinking, "What if it included all my day dreams, fantasies and weird thoughts I had throughout my day. To in a sense let people know they aren't alone, unless they're just weird enough that nobody else does that then it'd just be interesting and I'd get famous anyways." Kind of written similarly to "Scrubs" with the day dreams and such. I can't lie, I do that very often.  Sometimes the day dreams are great! Sometimes they're sad, or average, or just simply weird. But that's life right? The life of an average person.  See, now you're getting it. It makes sense.  How often during the day do you sit at work listen to a song and have a sudden day dream, like you're a rockstar, or in a music video, or possibly living life like a movie and you're playlist is the background music, I can't lie, I do the third one a lot.  Probably too often, but who cares. For example, today at work, I was listening to Twenty-one Pilots, and I had a little day dream of knowing every word to almost every song (Because I do, they're kinda great) and my brother and I at a concert and dancing and singing. It was a glorious daydream. I loved it. Simple, and happy.

Another example, a couple days ago I was smoking hookah with some friends, and I drew out a steady stream of smoke, and suddenly, I'm a mother-trucking dragon princess. Who's awesome because, dragon princess. And Monday while at DND (yes, nerdy, and wonderful don't hate) I totally imagined my lurker (rouge assassin character) doing the most amazing feats and I could go on and on about my many daydreams. Its not crazy, it life. Because people daydream, if we don't day dream, if we don't have fantasies (mine are of a wide variety from being a dragon princess, to being a savoy con-man) we don't develop or exercise or imagination.

Imagination is a great and totally under utilized source that we have! We can come up with new ideas for books, games, and even science! We need daydreamers.  Daydreamers are the best artist, the best writers, the best scientist and mathematicians. They can think and picture things that a lot of people can't. Also, its just simply wonderful and fun. Its always nice to escape into your mind sometimes. And there isn't anything wrong with that.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Been far too long.

I haven't blogged in forever. I guess its a good thing nobody really follows me on here isn't it. Its honestly a little sad. I wish I blogged more, but I also wish this blog wasn't distracting me from my very important paper that I'm trying to write, but ultimately am avoiding.  I'm not even avoiding it and being productive.  I used to clean my room or bathroom, or even our kitchen to avoid doing homework, but those things are stressing me out me too...How sad is that?!?! OMG...I'm so stressed that I like, I can't even clean my nasty room. (Valley girl accent implied.) Whatever, let bigons be bigons and clean clothes become dirty clothes because you need to get your act together and do some homework.

At least this semester is going better than last! I am proud to say I have A's in 3 of my five classes.  I HAD 4 but that stupidharshmeanjerkhatehersomuchrighnow student teacher gave a lower grade than usual on my last assignment so now I have B. :( But, I suppose that there are worse things that could happen.  Like running out cheese or using the last drop of hot sauce.

I suppose I should my use glamorous writing to actually finish this silly paper instead of entertaining those who have so much time on their hands they decide to look at my blog.