Tuesday, October 22, 2013

First world problems

Today I get back from school and all I can think about it is how hungry I am, but ultimately how lazy I am.  I am too damn tired to make my own food.  Like wtf is up with that. I just watched a video where women could carry me on their backs for miles but I am too tired to make my own food? America.  People try to deny it and say that they are so much better than a lot of Americans.  Well lets just be honest, we all have (and also complain) about our "First World Problems." For instance, my sister is coming visit, unfortunately  its in the middle of the week and I can't leave school and work to see her for the whole week, and I was kinda upset about this.  But why am I upset? Because I get to stay and work and go to school? Yup.  First world problem.  Or that moment when you lose your phone because nobody has a friggen lane line now, and your whole fucking life is on it (if your cool have a smart phone, unlike me), you freak out! First world problem my friends.  Your car broke down on the way to work? First world problem.  Your neighbor is making too much noise? FWP! Please don't so self-righteous and think that you could live without all the amenities given to you by your first world country.  Accept it for it is.  And think maybe you can share the wealth with another country versus just outright denying it.

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