Friday, October 25, 2013

I'm not the only I?

So I did change my mind.  Besides my slightly ranty/super cursing post I have heard that overall its not bad so I should consider keeping. it.  Well it didn't take much because I like to write, also I fall to pressure.  But only the good kind. I don't do bad things. :)

As the title says I gotta few about things that I do, and am super curious and making sure I am not the only one (hopefully) who does theses things;
1.) Automatically comes home and takes off pants.  Nobody actually likes wearing clothes, lets be honest guys.  I know you all feel the same.
2.) Knows that losing weight would make life healthier and easier, but still reluctant.  I feel that this one is almost obvious.
3.) I hate hashtagging and people who do it.  Seriously, its not going to catch on.  "That's so Fetch" will become more popular than hashtagging I swear it! #meangirlswitches
4.) I constantly and consistently quote movies that, unless you are like me (or my age), you won't understand. #meangirls #Imightchangemymindonhashtagging #HASHTAG
5.) I am super indecisive and constantly change my mind.  Although I have no idea what gave you that idea.
6.) I like watch to Grey's Anatomy and other television shows in my underpants.
7.) I read books. Whether they are an actual paper book or electronic.   Don't hate on the electric book, its wonderful and cheaper buuuut haters gonna hate.
8.) This is gonna be deep so prepare yourselves. I totally utterly and completely believe in God.  I love him.  He's like a best friend or another brother.  I just talk to him like talk to myself or to my very best of friends.  I pray to him all the time and ask for help and say thanks and just spend time chatting with him because really you feel so much better after.  Nothing can you make feel better than a close relationship with Him. (Which is another reason why i need to watch my language because dang I forget He can read this too.)
 Well, I honestly can't remember anymore at the moment but I'm sure I'll think of some more eventually and probably share them again.

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