Saturday, February 13, 2016

Things to Thank Your Sisters for.

When I was born I was blessed with two lovely older sisters.  Much to their dismay, I grew up to be a snarky, sassy, and quite frankly, a little bit assy little sister. Luckily for me, my wonderful sisters are kind enough to put up with me, still.  So today,while thinking about my sisters, I thought about a list of things I am extremely grateful to them for:

1.) For teaching me things I should already know.  For for times I've called you about because I can't get that stain out of my clothes and Mom isn't answering her phone, again. For those times I've called you because I'm stuck in the snow and can't figure out how to get out, again. For those times my car broke down and I don't know what to do and I'm freaking out, again. For those times I've called you because I need your help making a budget, again.  I'll always be grateful for your endless patience.  I know you both think that you don't have that much, but trust me, your patience with me seems endless and I'm thankful. 

2.) For helping me find my "thing".  Both of my sisters are beautiful in their own right. They have their own personalities and their own particular style, just their own "thing". And unfortunately for my mother I had to also have my own "thing." I had to have my own style, my own clothes, my own makeup style and my own attitude. I wanted to dress differently than my sisters, act differently than my sisters and just be different. I wanted to be me.  And they helped me. They helped me find clothes I like(even if that meant wearing their clothes first), they helped me learn how to put on makeup (something they still have to help me with **see number 1**), they helped me find my interests and supported me when pursuing them. They helped me find me. 

3.) For always making me feel beautiful. Every little sister will always think her sister's are prettier than her.  There have been many times I have called my sisters with many a insecurity, and yet, they always reassure me, that I am pretty, that I am beautiful and that I am gorgeous women.  Those random times you tell me that you, my stylish sister, like my sweater, or that I look pretty in a selfie, or that those random jeans I haven't worn in forever look really good me, yeah I live for those moments, they totally make my day.  

4.) For all the tough love.  Yes, there are times where you make me cry and I get angry and think you're the absolute worst. But I know, deep down, that your right.  That yes, buying that random  thing at that random store with my no money was not smart.  That yes, arguing with a parent about that stupid topic for no reason was a bad choice.  That of course, I need to do this thing more responsibly. Thank you for telling me that that sweater did not look good on my and that my eyeliner was smudged. There are not many opinions I take more seriously than yours.  So when you tell me that I need to get my life together, I know that its true. And thank you.  

5.) For letting me vent to you. I will always be thankful for you letting me vent to you about Mom and Dad, about my job, about my roommate, about my apartment, about my car, about my computer, about my clothes and  Thank you for listening.  

6.) For understanding me. Thank you for knowing that I need alone time sometimes, even around our family.  Thank you for knowing that sometimes I over think things.  Thank you for knowing that I go from 0-100% freakingoutmylifeisfallingapart in second after a small insignificant thing happens.  
7.) For those times that just really needed my big sister. Thank you for letting me cry to you. Thank you telling me that everything happens for a reason. Thank you being there for me in everything good thing that happens and every bad.  I love you and thank you for being you.  

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